Goodbye WordPress! Hello Static (Hugo) and Netlify (static hosting and more).

It’s time to move my blog to version 3. This time we are going back in time and into the future at the same time. Before we begin, here is a little history of my blog: Version 1 - Blogger Version 1 ran on Blogger - which was essentially a static site generation platform. It gave you an editor, you would write your posts and then it would generate your complete site in HTML and even allowed you to publish it on your own server by uploading the result via FTP. [Read More]

New Theme – Whiippii!

I’ve moved into a new theme called Aqueous-Lite. Those of you reading my blog through my feed are welcome to check it out… I felt kind of restricted in the old theme since it wasn’t fluid and it would be a shame not to use the full screen to show content, mainly for long posts (which I do have a tendency to write once in a while ;-) ). Of course, this theme is widgets ready (like the previous one) so it’s nice to have the ability to switch themes without changing things too much on the widgets (mainly background colors and stuff). [Read More]

WordPress Upgrade

I’ve just finished upgrading this blog to WordPress 2.1. This is my first post in 2.1 and if it goes well, it will mark the succesful upgrade of this blog to the new and fine WordPress version. In the process I had the oppertunity to also verify that my MicroID Plugin for WordPress as well as my OpenID Delegation Plugin for WordPress works in version 2.1 as well as they did in WordPress 2. [Read More]

WordPress Full Text Feed

I, as many other WordPress users, have encountered a problem with Full Text Feeds not actually showing on FireFox Live Bookmarks (the thingy that shows you the feed in a nice way) as full text, but are rather cut. It seems this is not a problem at all. This is a feature in FireFox’s Live Bookmarks which simply shortens the text only on display. If you’ll look at the page source (View -> Page Source) you’ll the see the XML file of the feed and that the tag contains the full text. [Read More]

Another MicroID plugin for WordPress

A reader of this blog, Nate Olson, just informed me that there is another WordPress plugin for MicroID and is written by Richard K. Miller (Thanks Nate!). Richard’s plugin adds microid on the homepage (it uses the admin’s Email for that), on each of the posts (according to the Email of the post’s creator) and on each of the comments (according to the supplied URL and Email of each of the commentators). [Read More]

OpenID Delegate Plugin for WordPress

Continuing my WordPress plugin frenzy and after release the MicroID WordPress plugin, I’m releasing another plugin, this time for OpenID delegation. The plugin is named “OpenID Delegate” and you can read all the details and download it from here. Q: So what’s this OpenID I’ve been hearing about? A: According to OpenID is an open, decentralized, free framework for user-centric digital identity. OpenID starts with the concept that anyone can identify themselves on the Internet the same way websites do-with a URI (also called a URL or web address). [Read More]

MicroID Plugin for WordPress

MicroID as the web site says is: MicroID is a lightweight identity layer for the web, invented by Jeremie Miller (creator of Jabber). MicroID enables anyone to claim verifiable ownership over content hosted anywhere on the web (social networking sites, discussion forums, blogs, etc.). MicroID is not an authentication or single-sign-on service, just a straightforward method for identifying content ownership that complements existing technologies such as OpenID and microformats. The technology is radically simple and enables developers to build new and unique meta services with minimal effort. [Read More]

Migrating from Blogger Beta (or the new version of Blogger) to WordPress

When I started to think about migrating from Blogger to my own WordPress blog running on my own server I started to look at migration options. It seems that since I already migrated to the new blogger system (which is out of beta now), the current import options from Blogger available in the latest WordPress installation (2.0.5 when I was installing it ;-) ) didn’t work anymore. The default blogger import can fail in two points: [Read More]