nsq-to-gs – Streaming NSQ messages directly to Google Cloud Storage

In addition to my previously published (very early) project to stream NSQ messages directly to BigQuery, I am happy to presents a modified version of nsq-to-s3 that supports streaming NSQ messages directly Google Cloud Storage. Grab it while its hot from the nsq-to-gs repo. I do see a future for a merged version of these two projects that supports both S3 and Google Cloud Storage but this would have to be enough for now. [Read More]

nsq-to-bigquery – Stream messages from NSQ directly to Google BigQuery

In the spirit of nsq-to-XXX such as nsq-to-http and nsq-to-file – I bring you the very first version of nsq-to-bigquery. nsq-to-bigquery, as the name suggest, streams data from an NSQ channel into Google’s BigQuery using the Streaming API and provide very effective means to stream data that should be then further analysed and aggregated by BigQuery’s excellent performance. This is a (very) initial version so it has some limitations and assumptions. [Read More]

gonionoo – Go wrapper for the Tor Network Status Protocol – OnionOO

I’ve bene running a Tor exit node in the Netherlands since August 2013. I believe in the cause of Tor and it was only a matter of time before I started adding code in some for or another. gonionoo is Go wrapper for OnionOO – the Tor Network Status protocol as is the first step in a slightly larger project I’m working on that I’ve been planning for a while ever since I’ve became a Tor exit node operator. [Read More]