The new and slick

I’m probably the last person to talk about it, by has a cool and slick new design [via Scott’s blog]. They also added a cool new feature, client side certificate, so when you install such a certificate on your machine you don’t need to do anything to sign in. It does all that for you! Just remember to NOT use it on public computers or on computers that are being used by more than one person and do not have a different user names for each person. [Read More]

OpenID Vendor Lock-In (sort of)

Continuing my previous post about OpenID and Vendor Lock-In, a reader of this blog named Andrew commented on the previous post about a problem he had with and Zooomr. He has some valid points here which I wanted to highlight in this post (he also had some points that I think can be easily fixed or that are actually a non issue). You can also read my complete answer to Andrew here. [Read More]

I’m probably the last person to talk about this but Scott Kveton posted on his blog that his company, JanRain and GNR (who manages the .name top level domain) has come into partnership to deliver a solution that encompasses a .name URL for you as well as built-in OpenID delegation support. Check the details at the site. You’ll get a 90 days free trial, after which it will cost $10. [Read More]