A reader of this blog, Nate Olson, just informed me that there is another WordPress plugin for MicroID and is written by Richard K. Miller (Thanks Nate!).

Richard’s plugin adds microid on the homepage (it uses the admin’s Email for that), on each of the posts (according to the Email of the post’s creator) and on each of the comments (according to the supplied URL and Email of each of the commentators).

Well… It’s a lot more than I have done :-), but I specifically didn’t want to use the Admin’s Email as the MicroID of choice for the homepage, mainly because I, for example, administer n WordPress blog for my friend. My Email is listed on the Admin, but he is the actual owner of the blog.

I’m considering adding the following features:

  • Add the ability to choose from the list of users, the user from which the MicroID of the homepage will be generated
  • Add a MicroID to each post page by using the posting user’s Email
  • Add a MicroID to each comment by using the commentator’s Email and the current page’s URL (including the anchor to the comment). Note that the commentator must provide the Email.
  • Enabling and disabling each one of these features from the configuration.

The benefits of adding a MicroID to each post page is that if you have a blog with multiple contributors, each will be able to claim their own post by using a service like claimID.

Having a MicroID on a comment will allow a user to claim the comment, which I know some people might want to do.

Do you think when creating a MicroID on comments, should the user have differnet MicroIDs on each comment, allowing the user to claim a specific post, or should the user have only one MicroID for all of the user’s comment?

What do you think? Do you have any other suggestion as to what to add?