I’m probably the last person to talk about this but Scott Kveton posted on his blog that his company, JanRain and GNR (who manages the .name top level domain) has come into partnership to deliver a solution that encompasses a .name URL for you as well as built-in OpenID delegation support. Check the details at the site. You’ll get a 90 days free trial, after which it will cost $10. [Read More]

If you haven’t done so already, go check out (and hopefully use, afterwards) As written in’s about page: acts as a bridge between these two worlds. You can sign in to using your Yahoo! account, and then create one or more OpenID accounts for use elsewhere on the Web. Basically, if you have a Yahoo ID, you can sign-in and create an OpenID for yourself at idproxy. [Read More]

OpenID Tests

Everyone else has written about it and since I’m a bit behind on my feeds reading list I just got around to check it out. OpenID Tests is a testing tool allowing you to test your OpenID server and OpenID page. This is such a great tool and could save an OpenID developer tons of work. All I can say is “Hip hip Hurray” to the fine folks at JanRain on yet another fine OpenID piece of software. [Read More] and or I’m late, again!

I just read Simon Willison‘s post about It’s funny, I just talked about such a service in a previous post and also mentioned I’m working on the same service. I was suppose to release it a week ago but had some other issues to attend to as well as some learning curve with using JanRains’ PHP OpenID library and only manage to get it almost working yesterday. I was planning on release it this week, but since Simon already released idproxy. [Read More]

WordPress Upgrade

I’ve just finished upgrading this blog to WordPress 2.1. This is my first post in 2.1 and if it goes well, it will mark the succesful upgrade of this blog to the new and fine WordPress version. In the process I had the oppertunity to also verify that my MicroID Plugin for WordPress as well as my OpenID Delegation Plugin for WordPress works in version 2.1 as well as they did in WordPress 2. [Read More]

OpenID Delegate Plugin for WordPress

Continuing my WordPress plugin frenzy and after release the MicroID WordPress plugin, I’m releasing another plugin, this time for OpenID delegation. The plugin is named “OpenID Delegate” and you can read all the details and download it from here. Q: So what’s this OpenID I’ve been hearing about? A: According to OpenID is an open, decentralized, free framework for user-centric digital identity. OpenID starts with the concept that anyone can identify themselves on the Internet the same way websites do-with a URI (also called a URL or web address). [Read More]


I’m blogging directly from Eurekamp where I’ll start a presentation and discussion about Trust and Identity online. I’ll try to cover topics such as why do I need, how to do it (OpenID, OpenID, OpenID) how to claim what is content that was generated by me (MicroID, MicroID, MicroID). I’ll post some of the slides here after we will finish. The slides will be a bit not organized, mainly because they are markers to the point in the presentation/discussion and does not represent a standard presentation. [Read More]

OpenID Sign In/Up Processes on OpenID supported sites

Most sites today distinguish between the process of Signing Up – the user wants to register to the site/service and does not have a previous account (or wishes to create another account), and the process of Signing In – the user wishes to identify himself/herself with an already existing account on the site/service. Whenever I reach a site that support OpenID I always try to see what is the process of sign-in/up with OpenID to the site/service. [Read More]

Identity and Identity Relationships

I just read this post by Kaliya and it got me thinking about Identity relationships. I think Kaliya is right that the connection between identity and relationships between identities (a.k.a. Social Networks) is a hot topic which will probably get some answers in 2007 (hopefully even good ones). What if we could have relationships between identities (between OpenID identities, for example)? We could store them as part of our identity (I’m sure we can think of a creative use of XFN and identities like OpenID since it is also a distributed way of showing relationships between people) and “take our friends with us” to other sites that we sign up, eliminating the need to manually re-enter and “drag” our friends to every hot new social networking site. [Read More]

Own your authentication!

After Passport Windows Live ID and the Liberty Alliance Project now comes Google Account Authentication, which opens up the ability to use anyone’s Google Account to perform authentication to a system. What surprises me in this whole deal is that it seems we are going backwards, back to a “one authentication to rule them all” idea that Microsoft tried to introduce with Passport (errr) Windows Live ID which, as you know, didn’t go quite where they wanted it to be. [Read More]