Plaxo OpenID support lacks OpenID Delegation support

UPDATE: Plaxo DO support delegation, just not XRDS. It seems a WP database problem caused some of my OpenID delegation plug-in to mess up settings the wrong openid.server and openid.delegate values. It should have been for openid.server and for openid.delegate. The problem was due to the fact that XRDS is yet to be supported in Plaxo. I didn’t notice the problem with the configuration of openid.server and openid.delegate due to the fact that the XRDS settings was correctly configured and all of the sites that I use OpenID with do support XRDS. [Read More]

OpenID, Trust, Vendor Locking and Delegation

There is a lot going on about OpenID these days and a lot of claims are being raised which prevents greater adoption of OpenID by users. One of these claims is about Trust and Vendor Locking. How can I trust a certain OpenID vendor? after all, gaining access to my OpenID account will give access to all of the sites I’ve signed in/up using OpenID. This is a legitimate claim, since it reminds everyone of how Microsoft Passport. [Read More]

I’m probably the last person to talk about this but Scott Kveton posted on his blog that his company, JanRain and GNR (who manages the .name top level domain) has come into partnership to deliver a solution that encompasses a .name URL for you as well as built-in OpenID delegation support. Check the details at the site. You’ll get a 90 days free trial, after which it will cost $10. [Read More]

OpenID Delegate Plugin for WordPress

Continuing my WordPress plugin frenzy and after release the MicroID WordPress plugin, I’m releasing another plugin, this time for OpenID delegation. The plugin is named “OpenID Delegate” and you can read all the details and download it from here. Q: So what’s this OpenID I’ve been hearing about? A: According to OpenID is an open, decentralized, free framework for user-centric digital identity. OpenID starts with the concept that anyone can identify themselves on the Internet the same way websites do-with a URI (also called a URL or web address). [Read More]