My Google Development Community Piece was referenced at ZDNet

2 days ago I wrote a post []1 about the lack of Google Israel’s involvement in the development community. It seems that in most of the places (I’m sure in the US, I’m not sure if the rest of the development centers in South American and Europe have the same involvement) where Google has development centers they are a little more involved with the development community in the form of lecture, places to meet and chat, sponsoring events, etc. [Read More]

Google Ctemplate

I just saw that Google released the Google Ctemplate library. While they do need to get some kudos for their efforts of releasing various code bits out as open source, I do have a problem with the Ctemplate library itself. I don’t know when they wrote this library, but what I do know is that its yet another templating language to use. Why couldn’t they have used a standard language such as JavaScript (more exactly, ECMAScript) instead of inventing their own syntax? [Read More]